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Roborovski Hamster
The smallest of the hamster species, measuring about 2 inches in length when full grown.
Roborovski Hamsters are the sweetest of the dwarf hamsters.
Robs are small and quick, however their sweet disposition and gentle nature
make them an enjoyable pet to have.
The average lifespan of the Roborovski Hamster is 3 years in captivity.
They are very social and will live happily alone or in a colony.
Extremely rare in the United States.
The minimum container for a roborovski hamster would be best kept in glass or plastic aquarium. A wire cage is not recommended because they are very small and can easily squeeze through the bars.
Provide plenty of cardboard tubes to play in and a small wheel.
Use natural pine shavings for bedding.
Feed hamsters a quality hamster/gerbil mix. Provide leafy greens and/or apples 2x weekly.
Provide a 4 to 8oz. water bottle.