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Red Squirrel

Accepting Deposits for babies


 This little squirrel is rust-red to greyish-red above being brightest on the sides, white or greyish-white below and the tail is similar to the back color but is outlined with a broad, black band edged in white. The coat is duller in the summer and a black line separated the back and underbelly colors. The average red squirrel weighs 7-12 ounces.

The red squirrel is abundant in any kind of forest, coniferous, pine, mixed or hardwood forests, often around buildings. They occur through much of Canada and most of B.C.

This creature feeds heavily on pine seeds and in the fall it cuts green cones and buries them in damp earth ; other sustenance includes nuts, seeds, birds' eggs, young birds and fungi. It makes a nest of leaves in a hollow or fallen tree, hole in the ground or tree crotch. 3-7 young are born in March or April and there is sometimes a second litter in August or September. The squirrel is a chatterbox with a variety of calls to announce its home range or the presence of intruders.